Day 1 - Overview


Hey there, I'm Donna Doyon.

This is Day 1 of my 5 day video series, "The Missing Piece: How to fit more joy into your seemingly perfect life."

Now, what do I mean by "seemingly perfect life"? Well, this is when people would look at you and say, "You have it all."

When you look at your life, and you say, "I pretty much have it all."

But you know inside, there's this niggling, restlessness... this dissatisfaction. You're not quite sure where it comes from.

If you were to rate it, you'd say, "I'm 90% happy. But what about the 10%? Is it wrong for me to want more? Is it selfish of me to want more? Is there more?"

And over the course of the next five days, we are going to answer that question.

And okay, I'm not gonna make you wait.

Yes, there is more! There is most definitely more!

We live our seemingly perfect lives, and so many of us we struggle with that, because in our hearts it hurts. Because we've realized something is missing, but we don't know what it is.

And so over the next five days, we're going to talk about that.

And I'm going to share some ideas and some thoughts I have on the topic. And hopefully they'll resonate with you.

How we're going to do this is, okay brace yourself, move your hand away from the mouse! We do not want you clicking away right now, because I'm going to say something that's scary. Okay.

We are going to talk about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Okay don't click... don't click...

Really we are going to keep this super simple. You are not going to feel bored. You are not going to feel overwhelmed.

This is all common sense stuff.

And it's the stuff that's keeping us awake at night. It's the stuff that's sucking the joy out of our lives. Even worse it's the stuff that is keeping us from allowing... from inviting... more joy into our daily life.

So that's what we are going to cover over the next five days.

And at the end of this program, you are going to have a greater sense of the decisions you're making, and how they impact your outlook on life.

We are going to talk about some of the feelings of dissatisfaction that you may be feeling, and how to overcome those. I believe in creatively expressing ourselves.

And we're going to go into that more -- and I hear a plow truck going by. I'm sorry that distracted me –

So this is going to be a great five-day experience for all of us. We are going to learn a little bit more about ourselves. We're going to learn to love ourselves a little bit more. And more importantly, we are going to start looking at the things that bring us joy. And we're going to start spending more time and energy focused on those things, without totally messing up everything else.

You see when I thought about hierarchy -- about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs a week ago, a lightbulb went on for me. And I just felt like I had the answer to why so many people have midlife crises. Why so many people are living the seemingly perfect life, and then they go and they do something so boneheaded.

You know, they may have an affair. They may buy an outrageously expensive sports car, that they can only drive two or three months out of the year, but it puts the family at financial risk. They may decide to quit the high paying, but high-stress job.

And they're just throwing their lives in turmoil, and it's just sucking all of the joy out of their lives. It's ruining other people's lives, their relationships.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has the answers for us and so we're going to look at some of the decisions were making. How we can make other decisions to improve our conditions, so that we can just, in these you know, we have been on this earth long, and we are ready to explore and expand who we are and what we contribute to the earth.

And this is where I just want, there are wonderful things out there for each of us and today's the first day of your journey.

I am so glad you're here.

So today, I would love to know something that brings you joy. When I say... When I ask the question, "What brings you joy?" what's the first thing that pops into your mind.

Please leave a comment below and let me know, so that we can share each other's joy.

And I will see you tomorrow, where we are going to start at the top of the pyramid.

We are going to start with the answer. I'm not going to make you wait until day five to hear the

answer. Tomorrow, you'll hear the answer. "What is the missing piece?"

I'll see you tomorrow.

Lesson Activity

Take a few minutes to reflect upon the "Joy prompt" at the end of the video. Write your response in a journal, discuss it with a loved one, or share it with me

1 Lesson

Day 1 - Overview

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